Day 9: World Kindness Day


Day 9: World Kindness Day

Day 9: World Kindness Day
Homemade Cupcakes
Wed, Nov 13

It is WORLD KINDNESS DAY. You would think more people would know about this… but they don’t. National Pie day seems to get more press. (?!) THIS, my friends, is what’s wrong with the world!

That being said, I didn’t even know about this until I started blogging about my Noel Project: 50 Acts of Kindness, so that in itself is the eye-opener to me. WordPress extracted an article about World Kindness Day for me to include in my related posts section – and that’s how I found out. No one in the volunteer office knew about it… and they’re there for 3 HOURS of kindness every WEEK!

Luckily I was prepared ahead of time and made vanilla cupcakes from scratch. I didn’t make the frosting or the sprinkles- but I beat those eggs and sugar till the cows came home. I brought them into the volunteer office for people to take as they came or went for the shift, and made sure to affix flags so they would know to pass on the kindness today.

I had daydreams about handing out cupcakes to people on the street- but it’s one of those ‘won’t be caught without gloves’ days, although I did offer a crossing guard one. He declined, even after my persuasion, but seemed disappointed when I walked by 3 hours later with an empty Tupperware container.

Today’s lesson in A-OKs: the key to any person’s heart is suprise cupcakes with sprinkles.